The Justice Journal

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt @Conway Methodist Preschool

The preschool and church that the preschool is associated with, did an Easter egg hunt for the children of the church, children of the preschool and sibilings.

Dylan's Easter Parade and Egg Hunt

Each parent had to make a hat for their child out of a paper plate and bowl. Then they did an Easter parade.

Our New Pets

Goldfish named Phineas and Ferb!

Noah and Dylan won these fish at Noah's school carnival.

Jump A Thon & Cat In Hat

Noah participated in the Jump A Thon at his school. He won tickets to see the Orlando Magic VS the Chicago Bulls. The last two are Noah as the Cat In The Hat.

Dylan's Christmas Concert 2007

The last picture is of Elf Dylan. The kids in Dylan's preschool class made elf hats on pajama day.

Noah At Gymnastics 12/07

More Of The Fire Station Field Trip 11/07

In these pictures, Dylan is practicing climbing a ladder, crawling under the smoke, and rolling to put out the flames. Yes, those are flames taped to his shirt.

Dylan's Field Trip To The Fire Station